5 Awesome Sustainable Office Design Trends to Watch for in 2020
People and brands alike have become more conscious of how we’re taking care of the environment.
This is one of the many reasons why companies and employees are shifting towards a sustainable workspace.
How to Compost Indoors & Why We All Should
No matter where you live, indoor composting is an easy and efficient way to reduce the amount of trash we each generate. It’s also the cheapest, organic fertilizer for our plants! Store your compost bin under the sink or on the counter for easy access, and composting will become part of your daily routine in no time.
Say NO to Foam
If you want to make the world a more livable, healthier, and better place by consciously choosing compostable or reusable containers instead of foam containers, here are 5 alternatives you can use.
Resilient Design Protects Property, Preserves Resources And Saves Lives
Resilient design is about saving priceless lives and resources.
"A year of natural disasters" is a phrase that characterizes 2017. Thousands of lives were lost and billions of dollars in damages impacted numerous countries and regions around the globe.
The huge losses caused by these catastrophic natural disasters of 2017 stress the importance of resilient design.
Check out the video below to learn how resilient design can protect against natural and man-made disasters, as well as accelerate recovery.
Resilient Placemaking And Affordable Housing For Communities And Cities
Well-designed affordable housing should do more than provide adequate, accessible and inexpensive shelter to lower-income households.
In addition to being resilient itself, a successful affordable housing project should contribute to the resilience of its community and city. Resilient placemaking can transform disconnected neighborhoods into thriving cities.
Improving Multifamily Building Resilience In The Caribbean, Latin America And The United States
As areas affected by recent hurricanes and earthquakes struggle to recover from the damage, demand for resilient multifamily housing capable of resisting natural and man-made disasters is expected to climb in coming years.
Given the power and magnitude of the quakes and storms, boosting multifamily building resilience in the Caribbean, Mexico and along the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic coasts is not an extravagance, but a necessity.